The opposite of manliness isn't cowardice; it's technology.- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms (forthcoming)
See also 'white wine', 'aftershave', 'gym membership' and 'Amazon Kindle'.
'Any pussy can read a book.' - Generation Kill
The opposite of manliness isn't cowardice; it's technology.- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms (forthcoming)
[The matinée idol] chuckles, seeming to contemplate the absurdity and drudgery of the logocentric realm, where scriveners scribble and toil, huffing and puffing like stevedores as they lift and carry big Latinate verbs and portmanteau nouns while Jason and his kind get all the pussy.- Jay McInerney, Model Behaviour
'I'm sick of all this pointless glamour,' his glamorous girlfriend said. 'I want a simple life.' If only Connor McNab had listened.Which is all well and good - except that the hero's name is Connor McKnight. Who's the McNumbnuts in Jay Mc's publicity camp?!
[He] likes particularly the sound of English words, even when they conveyed no meaning at all. Some of them simply filled him with elation. 'Periwinkle' was such a word. He had now forgotten how he learned it or exactly what it was. He had a vague private meaning for it and it was something to do with fairyland.- Chinua Achebe, 'Chike's School Days', Girls at War and other stories
[Adamastor's] disillusionment coincides with Zeus's decision finally to punish the rebellious Titans. Some of them, as we know from Greek mythology, are buried under huge mountains; Adamastor is turned into the jagged outcrop of the Cape Peninsula... Rather exaggerated; but that is what happens to the truth when writers get their hands on it.- André Brink, The First Life of Adamastor
It seems there is a Post-Colonialism seminar after all. First session: 'Clitoridectomy, Nationalism, Prostitution and Translation in Ngugi's fiction'.- AC, scholar
The lovely, tall, blonde air hostess' arse is rubbing against my shoulder. Thanks again for the lift.- JS, emigrant and brother
I just woke up in a hotel room in Birmingham next to a nameless naked girl.- DSH, predator
Have stolen booze from a hotel and priest in one evening, so yes.- CG, Anglican
As excuses go, 'I can't, I'll be in Kazakhstan' has a certain ring to it.- AC, ex-girlfriend
Hope you're not too drunk.- RL, optimist
Real life does not need to be probable.- C.S. Lewis
"You pedantic, smarmy, ass!"- Eoin Colfer, And Another Thing...
"Ah yes. I had forgotten how fond you people are... were... of lower life form-based insults. What's next? Cheeky monkey?
"Oh, I can do better than that."
"Really? I'll get my notebook."
"YOU, a published writer?..Internet don't count. Any asshole can throw shit up on there." (Book On Sale Today!)- Justin Halpern, Shit My Dad Says
If there are bloody crossroads out there needing the attention of the critical intellect, the novel does not seem to run through them.- Louis Menand, Introduction to The Liberal Imagination
Generally we refuse to be each other.- Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind: occasional essays
Fiction's about what it is to be a fucking human being.- David Foster Wallace
It is unimaginably hard to... stay conscious and alive in the adult world day in and day out.- David Foster Wallace, commencement speech, Kenyon College, 2005
What have we become when we 'understand' ourselves so well that all our questions are rhetorical?- Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind: occasional essays