Wednesday 7 March 2012

Coldplay and me

I am amused to read - in this article wot I found down the back of the internet - that Coldplay regret calling their last album Mylo Xyloto, not because it's stupid (which it is) but because it confuses the punters and is made up of "two words that you couldn't even google."

1) The journalist, Tim Jonze, concludes, entertainingly, that this is not actually true. Even more amusingly, a Google search for these two words [Ahhh... Was Chris Martin perpetrating a terribly clever bluff?] reveals plenty of results, foremost among which being Martin's insistence that it won't. There's even a guide to pronunciation, for those not classically trained in pop-gobbledygook.

2) As Jonze highlights, in fact, if you type in 'Mylo Xyloto', you're very unlikely to come up with much else. I had an editor a few years back who gave me no end of shit over my decision to write as 'ASH Smyth', rather than 'Adam' (principally, I suspect, because his layout monkeys had terrible difficulties remembering that my name was not actually 'Ash'). Try typing both into Google, and see what happens.

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