Saturday 21 November 2015

Favourite footnotes: HONOURABLE MENTION*

(I forget where I read this, but if my memory serves me it was in some reliable source.)
- Bertrand Russell, 'On the Value of Scepticism'

* OK, so it's not an actual footnote. But it should have been!

Dear Spotify,

Re your Mikado advertisement

there is no such word as 'mischeevious'.

Please tell your voice-over chap to get a grip on himself.

Yours, &c.

Importance of grammatical accuracy

InDefinition - 80

adjutantrum, n, when a not-particularly-high-ranking officer spazzes out at those beneath her, in the interests of her own career advancement.

In defence of Moleskines

I use Moleskine notebooks, not because they’re any better than the alternatives, but because they make me feel like a proper writer, and not some inadequately-medicated schizophrenic, taking dictation from the mad voices jabbering in his head. Which, at times, is what the writer’s life is like.
- Anthony McGowan, on his website

Valid logic. But let the record reflect, though, that I fundamentally disagree.

Friday 20 November 2015

The terrible truth about social media

Thank fuck for Lydia Davis

If I went to an academic conference on literary theory, I would have been bored out of my mind! But a town meeting about potholes, that interests me.
- Lydia Davis, in conversation with Ane Farsethas

(Can't say I agree with her about the dictionaries, though. I like me a good dictionary.)

There's a particu'ly dark place in my heart

for wise-ass spelling-and/or-grammar-type jokes

that have mistakes in them.

[UPDATE: Hereafter, 'The Nth Circle'.]



Thursday 19 November 2015

On the uses and abuses of vernacular

It took Dante, in the late Middle Ages, to take the revolutionary step of writing in his own Tuscan dialect. It would be a mistake, though, to see him with modern eyes as some kind of champion of inclusiveness. He did, after all, use Latin to make his case in On Eloquence in the Vernacular.
- Ana Menéndez, 'Are We Different People in Different Languages?'

Better World Books

do it right.

(according to Jeevan Sukumaran)

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Books I've actually finished lately: 93

Ellmann's biography of Wilde was one of the first big books I read (/finished), aged about 16.

From which event extends a trail of more-or-less predictable consequences...

Tuesday 17 November 2015

On sincerity

I'm sure you've had to say things you haven't meant before. You've read friends'poetry...? Had girlfriends...?
- The West Wing

Thursday 12 November 2015

(Audio)Books I've actually finished lately: 92

Knocked on the head in four days flat, whilst decorating.

(Tip: entirely comprehensible when read a) this well, b) at pace, and/or c) by an Irishman.)

Sunday 8 November 2015