Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The Psalms - in context

They that go down to the sea in ships would appear to have got things somewhat arse about face.


Everything we are as a nation, as a species even, is related to the arts, culture and learning.
- Michael Volpe, 'Critics'

[via Alexandra Coghlan]

Friday, 18 July 2014

Favourite foreign onomatopoeia - 11

fnaerettan - (Old English) snoring

[at least according to Paul Kingsnorth, and the 'shadow' glossary of The Wake]

Free ebook!

(now with added typo-humour!!) courtesy of Denis Beckett.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Books I've actually finished lately: 37

You suffered a bout of nostalgia while writing the chapter on Noor Begum. You wanted to write about the awkward squats as you sat loudly reciting the Qur'an, say how your left foot felt grinded from bearing all your weight while sitting on the floor, the rapid tak-tak of the ceiling fan as it spun the air with its dusty blades, the dizziness... But you wrote: 'Noor Begum's house provided the comfortable environment for Qur'an lessons and my early lessons in disciplining into working through boredom.

Gotta love James Wood

Days after [Donna Tartt] was awarded the Pulitzer, Wood told Vanity Fair, “I think that the rapture with which this novel has been received is further proof of the infantilization of our literary culture: a world in which adults go around reading Harry Potter.”
- Evgenia Peretz, in Vanity Fair

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Monday, 14 July 2014

Books I've actually finished lately: 36

James Sallis does Vernon God Little meets Lolita in post-Palahniuk Breaking Bad white-trash noir Napoleon Dynamite with guns. For girls.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Keystroke twins - 27 (cricketing edition)


InDefinition - 70

pymphonyn. orchestral music you can play loudly out the window while driving

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Keystroke twins - 26



Ask me what nine times f is... It's fleffety-five.
- Silicon Valley

I only found out recently

that Stanley Kubrick had done a film-script on Napoleon.

Which you can find liberally scattered about the internet.


From Hartford to Harvard

you have to have the finances to match.

Marc Sidwell talks up the merits of the day job for the creative mind.

City A.M.'s Opinion pages are a place for thought-provoking opinions and views. These are not necessarily shared by ASH Smyth.

InDefinition - 69

Oranjeboom, n. - Dutch for 'chemical defoliant'

Richard Nixon

thought that girls don't swear.

What a chopper.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Favourite footnotes: 2

E.g., “Jeffy-Weffy Ringle-Dingle Ding-Dong,” “Jeffy-Weffy Ram-A-Lama Ding-Dong Dummy,” “Dumbfuck,” “Jefster-Wefster Dingster-Dongster Dickface,” etc.

VEEP book-signing (Hillary Clinton eat your heart out)

1) WOMAN: Can you write: 'To Alice... This is to get you back.'? 
2) SELINA: Look at us. You pretending to be me signing a book I didn't even write.
      BEN: It's politics in a nutsack.
3) SELINA: What d'you think of that title?
      BEN: Well, you're so full of shit there's a colon right smack-dab in the middle.
- VEEP, 3:1

A website

of sporadically interesting Estonian graffiti.

[via Derek Saunders, with thanks]

Keystroke twins - 25


Monday, 7 July 2014

Bit harsh...

Books I've actually finished lately: 35

It took no great insight to guess that Lida did not like writers and that she had attached herself to me because I did not look like one. I shook my head and mumbled a few words to the effect that I did something in the cinema, regretting instantly that I hadn't invented a calling even more distant from literature, such as table-tennis or Egyptology.

How to do it

'Familiarizing English with kids'


Just. No.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Four-letter words

I want you to dictate to me a memorandum of a couple of pages. Four letter words and short sentences on the situation in Vietnam, the 'Vietnam Picture'.
- Lyndon Johnson, in Errol Morris' The Fog of War


Thursday, 3 July 2014

Unfamous last words - 4

Charge the windowsill.
- Col. (Ret.) Dorrigo Evans, quixotic (and fictional) Australian survivor of the Burma railway, in Richard Flanagan's The Narrow Road to the Deep North

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

InDefinition - GUEST ENTRY

escape goat, n. (coll.) reverse Trojan horse

[with thanks to Howard Male (and Big Brother)]

Only in English - 16


Two minutely differentiated words for two technically different things which are, in fact, basically the same thing. But not.

InDefinition - GUEST ENTRY

Pokemon, n. Jamaican proctologist

[with thanks to Gareth Teece]

'Subtext' (v. 'predictive text')